Monday, 12 December 2011

I know I've been MIA for a while, but with good reason. Ivan and I have been putting the finishing touches on The Winemaker's Dinner, and we've been busy trying to find a good home for it. I've also been busy working on Forbidden, the final instalment in the City of the Damned series, which I'm hoping to have released by the end of December. And last but not least, I've been working on building a Tumblr account. To add to the craziness, it's Christmas! This means spending every free moment with family and friends, and having to put a few projects on the back burner until the new year.

2012 is shaping up to be an equally crazy year. Ivan and I have been discussing details of the second TWD book, I have another story outlined that's screaming at me to be written (Psst... it involves a Djinn and three wishes), and I want to try and finish up the next book in my YA series, Blood of the Ancients.

For up to date release info, teasers, and all things fun, you can follow me on Twitter or Facebook.

May you have a very Merry Christmas, and a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2012.

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